Quidditch Banquet

Trey Osborn


    The quidditch banquet took place Monday October 16 at 5:00pm.

John Comer, who is very invested in quidditch, attends the banquet every year.


 “This reflected upon last year’s season and looked forward to this year’s season. Throughout the night, many toasts were heard like ‘Daphne Forever’, ‘To Gryffindor’, ‘Don’t let the Muggles Get You Down’, said Mr. Comer.


Dinner and dessert was catered by Chef Thorpe and his amazing team of students. During dinner, guests were treated to highlight videos from the Quidditch World Cup where college teams from from across the globe to compete the title.


The sorting ceremony began shortly after dinner and the first year students were sorted into four different houses by the Heads Of The House, Mr. Comer of Hufflepuff, Mrs. Brendal af Gryffindor, Mr. Lawrence of Slytherin and Ms. Peterson of Ravenclaw. After the ceremony they all raised their glasses to a  toast  “The Boy Who Lived” to close out the banquet.

Mr. Comer