Dogwood Trail Maid Tickled “Pink”
January 16, 2019
The Dogwood Trail has announced this year’s finalists! One of the finalists is Daphne student, Elizabeth King. King, a junior won the opportunity to be the “Pink” Dogwood Trail Maid.
“I’m so excited, I can’t believe I’ve gotten it!” King said.
The Annual Dogwood Trail Pageant is a four-month process involving skits, interviews, an essay, and appearance. The finalists receive scholarships with each of these categories.
Thirty girls walked in, and six finalists came out. This year, the theme for the pageant was “Alabama.” This corresponded with the ‘Alabama Bicentennial’ going on this year. The Annual Dogwood Trail is also sponsored by Eastern Shore Optimist Club.
Elizabeth King has a long road ahead of her this year, and couldn’t be more excited with her new friends in hand.
“All of the girls are so encouraging!” King said.
The girls first appearance will be at “Eastern Shores Arts and Crafts Festival” this year. Congrats to Elizabeth King and all of the finalists!