Preparing to be a Successful Senior


Savoring their last spirit stick win of the year!

Tamara Russ, Reporter

Senior year is a very overwhelming time in a young adults life. The year is consumed with many decisions for the future. Determining if you want to go to college, take a year off, work or even join the military.

Choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life is a huge responsibility, especially for a highschooler.

Schools provide administration who are educated on helping you get through high school, like counselors who can help you better understand the process of getting into college, taking the act, touring campuses and joining the military.

“Planning for the future happens in the present!” she states “ Students should constantly be thinking about and planning for life after high school, it will be there before you know it,” Mrs. Dombrowski, the senior class counselor said.

There are important things most students don’t know to do before it’s too late. Like how important it is to take the ACT and improving on it each time. College tours to more than just your local universities, maintaining your GPA all throughout high school and applying for as many scholarships as possible.

“You need to take the ACT as much as possible to help qualify for scholarships,” Carieann Wolfe, a senior student said.

Even though it may seem exciting to be on your own and having your own rules. Not being so dependant on your parents is a lot harder than those might think. Worrying about having a job, buying groceries, insurance and even something little like scheduling doctors appointments can become very stressful for someone who just jumped into the real world.

“Life comes fast, the only thing you can do is be positive, and adapt to things that might change,” A former high school student, Zachary Hansen said.

Your last year of high school can fly by fast, so savor every moment you have with the classmates you’ve been with since elementary school. Because the moment you shake their hand and step off that stage, you are no longer in high school anymore.